Archive for October, 2011


Mars and Venus lose weight (or don’t)

I’ve been fascinated by what my co-workers think about losing weight.  I think about it and talk about it too much, which was stressful when I was bigger, but amusing now.  Anyway, see if you can tell the men from the women.

Coworker #1:     (After a barbecue lunch put on my work)  “I was having a hard time deciding whether to eat another sausage, or a brownie.  In the end I had the sausage, but they had switched brands, not as good.  Should have eaten the brownie instead.”  (As for me, I ate two sausages and half a brownie, though no buns, pasta salad, potato salad, or anything but the green salad.  I don’t like their brownies, too much sugar, not enough butter.  I don’t like most sausages, either).

Coworker #2   After being invited to a restaurant that it takes months for a reservation “I can’t go.  I have to go to the gym EVERY DAY after work”  (Two months later, hasn’t started yet)

Coworker #3  “I would really like to lose 10 pounds, and I tried riding my bike for miles and running, and lost a pound.  I tried dieting strictly, lost a pound.  It’s annoying, but I can’t do anymore”.

Coworker #4  “I can’t lose this tummy.  I did a successful cleanse in the past, cut out gluten, dairy, meat, soy.  I’m going to start that soon”  Personally, I think skipping the bag of chips every lunch would work just as well, but not my business.

Coworker #5  “I started gaining weight after working here.  I was doing no exercise, none.  At all.  Now I run on the treadmill, for 15 minutes, and have returned to normal.”

Coworker #6 “I don’t know why I’m gaining weight.  I have never had a belly roll before.  I do not like exercise, don’t want to do it, though I probably should”

Coworker #7  “I don’t understand this goal of losing weight.  Where I come from, it’s a compliment to be called fat.  Personally, I used to be normal weight, now I’m much too thin, and though I’m trying, I don’t gain weight.”

**Not exact words, but close.


October 2011