
The slowest weight loss ever

I get lazy and slack off at times, just maintain, but I’m back on it now. Today my BMI is 26.1, I have 6.5 more pounds until I’m not overweight anymore. I stopped by the gym only to use the scale, too ill to work out. It’s only a block out of the way, and since my flu or whatever I have is mostly manifesting in a smokers cough, the ciggies had to go.   Boo, I wanted to wait another week. Couldn’t, my lungs hurt, and I’m tired of coughing.

I biked up to my green chemistry seminar, went for a huge walk, ate both lunch and dinner out.  Some Thai silver noodle dish for lunch, a small veggie burrito for dinner.  My signals are completely out of whack when I am craving nicotine, I can’t tell if I’m hungry, full, what I want (other than a smoke), what I should eat, drink, do or say.  Basically I just try to avoid everyone, and the food is weird.  Since I can’t tell or read any hunger, I will eat what seems reasonable and not cause weight gain.    Externally controlled, at least until I stabilize a bit.  This usually means that I make myself eat, so that I don’t screw up from not paying attention, and get too hungry, which always has unfortunate consequences.  Defensive eating, I do it!  I do it other times, too, like when I’m going somewhere that I won’t want to eat the food for hours and hours.  I’ll eat a huge burrito, and be too full to eat for the next 8 hours, no matter how good anything looks.    Does anybody else do this?  Or even know of what I speak?

Here’s some pictures, one is a view from atop the stadium (kind of a steep slidey path to get there), and the other is some animal rights people protesting one of the leftiest radio stations in the country for not promoting veganism.  KPFAdogs 013

17 Responses to “The slowest weight loss ever”

  1. November 3, 2009 at 4:40 am

    Okay, the sign outside the lefty radio station is too funny considering what they are protesting.

    I know what you mean about slow weight loss. For me, I go through spells where I know I am not serious enough about it, and boy you can really tell it. It sounds like you have had other things to divert your attention lately (illness), but it also sounds like you are remotivated now. Now is the time to knock off that next 6.5 pounds!

  2. November 3, 2009 at 8:41 am

    I cannot imagining being ill and craving nicotine as well as thinking about your goal weight.
    When I am feeling ill I generally dont even want to think about food and definitely dont have the energy to eat. I think you should maybe just stick to an eating schedule that fits your lifestyle and try and remember what you usually eat.
    Good luck!

  3. November 3, 2009 at 8:42 am

    Well, as the second slowest weight loss (are you sure we aren’t tied?) I don’t have a big problem with slow, except it makes for less dramatic blogging. Gratz on the ditching the ciggies. A huge gift to yourself. And how nice to be 26.1. Someday (turtle pace) I’ll be down there with you!

  4. November 3, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Sorry sweetie, I wear the crown for slow to no weight loss!

  5. 5 RA
    November 4, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    Slow weight loss sucks, even if it is more likely to stay off. Funny, I’ve dropped more weight since I stopped exercising so intensely (I’m still working out, just not like I was during tri-training.) I hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. November 5, 2009 at 6:14 pm

    QUIT smoking… I remember having the sorest throats and all I wanted to do was smoke. I would keep trying until my throat was either so raw or improved that I could smoke again. Find something besides smoking that you will love as much. It’s so bad for you and once you really quit… you feel so good. That’s my mini rant. Keep losing weight and get well soon.

  7. November 6, 2009 at 8:48 am

    That’s why ketosis, like being sick, works for weight loss, you feel too lousy to eat!

    You’ll make your goal, in my opinion. You are too close to let it get away. Go do it, buddy!

  8. November 6, 2009 at 11:21 am

    You know, it’s healthier to be in the Overweight category than Normal. There are added health benefits to being overweight.


  9. November 6, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    I don’t know, I took 2 1/2 years to lose 100 lbs., so mine when damn slow. But let me tell you the upside: you are so used to a maintenence-sized diet that maintaining will be easier. I know. I’ve been maintaining for nearly 2 1/2 years. It’s frustrating now, but it will be o.k.

  10. November 6, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    Wow, good to know I’m not alone here. It’s true as you say, RA and Linda, that it will be easier to keep off. I’m quite sure that when I drop another 6.5 pounds, and am no longer “overweight”, I’ll still have a ways to go. I figure it’ll come off at this slow, unimpressive pace until it stops, and then it’ll be maintenance, no lifestyle change needed, no end of diet, no change of exercise. And maybe, RA, you’re right, too much exercise can be counterproductive for weight loss. I haven’t been to the gym in a week (sick), though I’ve been walking miles every day. I’m off to the gym right now, to body sculpt, in the drizzle. Then to a potluck. I’m bringing crudites and guacamole, which I’ll eat a lot of, but will eat everything else, too. Fun, but I won’t lose weight tonight, even with the gym. This is why it’s slow, but I like to enjoy food, though some things in more moderation than others.

  11. November 7, 2009 at 5:59 am

    The defensive eating thing may be along the same lines of how I eat until a certain point at night so I am full and don’t wake up hungry in the middle of the night… because if that happens…

    Uh, I just saw a sign yesterday that read ‘Don’t leave your shit here’- I hope it is still there because it kind of applies to all areas of life (even though it is an attempt to keep people from dumping stuff in front of a store).

  12. November 9, 2009 at 8:10 am

    Sounds so frustrating, but you’ll get there just the same, and with a lot more ability to maintain than the crash-dieters have.

    And good luck on the smoking thing!

  13. November 9, 2009 at 8:52 pm

    Gaaaahhh weight loss. Sometimes it appears futile! Hang in there m’dear 🙂

    When I eat (and I’m not hungry), it’s because I’m trying to fill a void. Just have to figure out other ways to accommodate for it.

  14. November 13, 2009 at 5:41 am

    Good luck losing those last pounds, and a big GOOD LUCK with quitting smoking! My husband quit after over 20 years of smoking. He says the first 2 or 3 months are the hardest, but then it gets easier.

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November 2009